Už viac ako 135 rokov výrába Dale of Norway tradičné nórske vlnené svetre z prvotriednej vlny. Prečítajte si viac o histórii a výrobe jednej z najvýznamnejších nórskych značiek.
Veronika doesn't need an introduction. And so we are extremely happy that she has become a part of our Kari Traa team and we believe that she will be the same inspiration for you as she is for us. Here is an interview about her current work and private life.
Each year, about 10 million tons of waste end up in the world's seas and oceans. The list of what you might find here is very diverse: packaging waste, beverage bottles ... How can you fight this amount of waste? All we have to do is start small and avoid disposable packaging.
Merino wool does not only relate to a winter, but has become a universal material throughout the year. Thanks to its unique properties, it is also suitable for summer activities, hiking or running.
Čo je ekologická móda? Ohľaduplná výroba, ktorá berie pri svojej produkcii do úvahy svoj dopad na životné prostredie. Módny priemysel je druhým najväčším znečisťovateľom našej planéty, hneď po ropnom priemysle.
Nórska značka Aclima sa orientuje na výrobu z merino vlny už od roku 1939. Rodinná firma, ktorú vedie už niekoľká generácia Johansenovcov, je skutočne špičkou v tom, čo robí.
Choose the right bra from Kari Tra and movement will be synonymous with joy for you. We bring you an overview of Kari Traa bras and also instructions for choosing the right size.